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Armonia Cabin

Our cozy cabin is located in the heart of south Iceland in a quiet part of the country side. Excluded and relaxing environment as well as stunning views and surroundings. 

Close by are some of Icelands biggest attractions such as Geysir, Kerið volcanic crater, Þingvellir national park, Reykjadalur hot springs and more. 

what we offer


At our cozy cabin we offer few kinds of rooms, equipped with comfortable beds, warm comforters, blankets and pillows. 


Double bed

  • Perfect for couples
  • Close friends

Shared room

  • Shared room with two beds
  • Friends


  • Double bed
  • One extra single bed

Sofa bed

  • Double bed
  • Shared space
  • For a singles or couple
From Armonia Iceland

Armonia Cabin

The surrounding area is absolutely stunning. In this image gallery you can see pictures from and around the retreat location.

Registration number (Skráninganúmer): HG-00016589